Amp Up The Look Of Your Room With Types Of Wall Texture

types of wall textures

Modern-day trends are more focused on blank and flat walls, but adding up a wall texture or a drywall texture can amp up the whole look and feel of the room, which a wall paint cannot. Knockdown textures can help bring out the best of your room by hiding any architectural mistakes on the wall or ceiling.

types of wall textures

If you think that texturing your room is tough, then please think again! The tactics utilised to make the final texture finishes are not too complex as you believe them to be. Dig in and learn about different types of wall textures and the tricks behind them.

Different Types Of Wall Texture

  • Comb

types of wall textures

This texture is created by utilising techniques that create lines of various shapes and breadths. It is mainly used to create designs having rainbow patterns on the wall. For this, you’ll require a drywall compound roller and a drywall towel. You must first put the drywall compound to the wall via a roller and then utilise the towel to apply lines in the wet compound. It would help let the whole texture dry out for about a day or two before priming and painting it further.

  • Popcorn

types of wall textures

This one’s classic and gives a great look to your room. The reason why this type of texture is so renowned is due to its capability to hide all the imperfections and even absorb sounds between walls and the floors. Do you know the best part about this textured style? It’s super convenient and affordable. This mixture is a dry texture; hence it’s always significant to prime up the wall before using it finally.

  • Orange Peel

types of wall textures

It feels and looks exactly like the peel of an orange. Firstly, you’ll be required to prime the walls nicely, so the texture turns out smooth and well-finished. Once everything is done and the type of wall texture is evenly dried out, paint the textured walls well.

  • Knockdown

types of wall textures

This technique gives a rare and rustic textured pattern to your room and can be achieved by adding one more step to the orange peel pattern. Once you’ve applied the orange peel texture, flatten the bumps and peaks, if any, with a knife. You need to wait for 10 to 15 minutes after spraying, so the peaks get flattened enough. After flattening the orange peel texture, wait for twenty-four hours before your prime and paint the walls.

  • Sand Swirl

types of wall textures

This wall texture can steal the whole show. You need to dip the brush and apply the swirls to the wall. Now, let it dry for about 24 hours and then finally move on to prime and paint the walls.

  • Slap Brush

types of wall textures

This creates a thin line pattern on your walls. It is an excellent choice if you are not that confident with a spray gun. Apply these patterns in specific areas. Repeat the process until finished. After 24 hours of the drying process, paint and prime the room.

Wrapping Up

Make sure to go through the article once you plan to get your walls covered with types of wall texture paints.

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